.: web basics | design | html | fonts | general computer stuff
This section is currently inactive. I have no plans to update it in the foreseeable future.
world wide web consortium
webstandards resources
avant-gareth resources
project cool
web designer's paradise
w3c html 4.0 spec
beginner's html tutorial
web design group
webreference proprietary extensions
ncdesign (with browser compatability)
willcam's (with browser compatability)
w3c html 4.01 character entities
w3c html 3 character entities
webmonkey: special characters
w3c html validation service
doctor html
html tidy
w3c metadata
grantasticdesigns metatag tips
htmlhelp on meta-information
webmonkey controlling robots
how to keep bad robots, spiders and web crawlers away
w3c web style sheets
- cascading style sheets
- xsl spec
css1 reference
css resources
webstandards css resources
the noodle incident: css tutorials and resources
the noodle incident: css panic guide
the noodle incident: box lesson
css bugs and workarounds
a list apart css articles read them all!
rich in style lists css bugs in major browsers
using css as a diagnostic tool
webstandards ecmascript resources
webmonkey javascript tutorials
webmonkey javascript code library
html & xhtml: the definitive guide musciano & kennedy
cascading style sheets: the definitive guide, meyer
web standards cross-browser dthml resources
w3c xml
webstandards xml resources
xml faq
cafe con leche xml resources
webmonkey's perl and cgi tutorials
matt's script archive
webmonkey's php tutorials
evolt's browser archive