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rebecca's pocket

.: Eating Organic on a Food Stamp Budget --> archive

Week 1 Summary

» Budget goal—$74.00
» CSA cost per week—$12.50
» Food costs including CSA share—$70.80
» Average Per Person Daily Food Cost—5.06
» Total—Under budget - $3.20

» Produce delivered from CSA—5.09 pounds
» Produce bought at store—3.16 pounds + approx. 8 oz for vegetable stock
» Grains eaten (dry weight)—3.75 pounds + 12 oz used for muesli
» Legumes eaten (dry weight)—2.02 pounds
» Dairy—3 quarts milk, 1 quart yogurt, 18 oz cheese, 5 eggs
» Cans used—1 - 7.5 oz can tomatoes, 1 - 4oz can of tomato paste
» Highest food expenditures—Beer, milk, coffee

» Items left over for next week—Milk, Butter, Cilantro, Barley Soup, Yogurt, Muesli, Vegetable Stock

» Non-organic foods eaten—Peanuts, arborio rice, converted rice, sesame seeds, pecorino cheese, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, canola oil, olive oil, raspberry jam, sugar, brown sugar, salt, pepper, ground chipotle, dried dill, red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, baking powder, baking soda, yeast, tea, red wine, white wine, and beer.

» Items to be priced at end of month—Cayenne, chipotle, cinnamon, dried dill, dried oregano, dried sage, dried thyme, ground chipotle, ground cumin, ground ginger, paprika, whole peppercorns, salt.

» Free from my deck garden—Oregano, thyme

» Choices I made differently this week—Elected not to buy a pint of strawberries.

» Recipes used from—Madhur Jaffrey, World Vegetarian; The Food Network (online); Ellen Buchman Ewald , Recipes for a Small Planet; Deborah Madison, Local Flavors; Cook's Illustrated Magazine; and my own collection.

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about this project

» How did it begin?
» Week 1: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $3.20
» Week 2: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $13.34
» Week 3: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $7.15
» Week 4: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $6.41
» Week 5: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Photos

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