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rebecca's pocket

.: Eating Organic on a Food Stamp Budget --> archive

Week 3 - Tuesday - Cold Again

Fassoulia Fourno Cold, another 2-sweater day. For those of you who have always thought San Francisco would be a nice place to live, keep in mind that I live in the sunniest and warmest part of town—and this weather is not so unusual.

For breakfast, I have muesli & yogurt—twice. I'm always so hungry after I work out. Jesse is hungry, too, and eats the peanuts I sent with him earlier in the week. They are so satisfying that he doesn't have room for the leftover Chilaquiles—he just eats the salad and apple for lunch. I, on the other hand, am famished again by lunchtime. I eat a large portion of the leftover Chilaquiles, finish off the salad greens and Raspberry Vinaigrette, and have an apple. Then I'm too full.

It's cold all day long. I want something warm tonight, so I choose Fassoulia Fourno (with some variations). I'm out of lima beans, so I quick-soak navy beans instead, then simmer them for another hour. I put them in a casserole dish with sauteed onion, carrots, and a teaspoon of oregano and let it simmer in the oven until Jesse gets home.

The recipe calls for fresh tomatoes, but it's the wrong time of year for that, so I use a tablespoon of tomato paste instead. I don't have parsley, so I leave it out, too. For a side, I try a new recipe, Sugar Snap Peas with Dried Mint, which we both agree is okay, but not worth repeating. I'm out of salad greens, so it's back to Shredded Carrot Salad. We will have the rest of the beans for lunch on Thursday.

If you're following closely, you'll notice that Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian is my current cookbook of choice. I've been cooking from it several times a week for the last year. The recipes are clear, reliable, and tremendously varied. Using this one cookbook alone, you can cook every day from somewhere else in the world. I recommend it very highly.

The food total today includes the cost of a 1-quart batch of yogurt ($2.08).

Tuesday total: $7.34. Remaining weekly allowance: $48.25.

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When you're ready to eat lima beans again, you can try the Greek variation of this recipe:

Roasted Lima Beans (Yigantes Plaki).

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» How did it begin?
» Week 1: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $3.20
» Week 2: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $13.34
» Week 3: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $7.15
» Week 4: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Photos | Summary: Under budget - $6.41
» Week 5: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Photos

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