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.: books --> bookshelf 2002
the two towers
as soon as I finished the fellowship of the ring, I jumped straight into this one, so good was the first. unfortunately, volume 2 is more in keeping with my memories of the LOTR: a little dry and even ponderous in parts. gandalf, for one, has all the personality pulled out of him with his transformation. not a page turner like volume 1.
{ introducing feminism }
easy-to-read, comprehensive overview of feminism. highly recommended.
if you want to write
writing down the bones
{ data smog }
essential reading. short on answers, but in general a smart exploration of the effects of living in a media-saturated environment. a little dated: he suggests that you unsubscribe from spam mailing lists, which will only confirm for them that yours is a working email address. easily read in a weekend.
always we begin again: the benedictine way of living
a nice little introduction to a modern version of the benedictine way; more than anything else, this book made me want a book to tell me what the actual benedictine rule says.
full review
{ the art spirit }
this book will make you want to paint. henri's two most important pieces of advice are these: "art, when really understood, is the province of every human being" and "an art student must be a master from the beginning; that is, he must be master of such as he has. By being now a master of such as he has there is promise that he will be master in the future." highly recommended for anyone who makes art of any kind.
{ the consumer's guide to effective environmental choices }
highly recommended for anyone who wants to be a conscientious consumer. this book lays out clear, concrete guidelines for making responsible choices, based on scientific evidence and evaluation.
you don't have to give up your comfortable lifestyle in order to make a significant difference. stop worrying about paper or plastic: this book will explain why that doesn't matter, and tell you which choices do.
{ the rule of st benedict }
an eminently practical guide to living a balanced, happy life, for one person, or a houseful.
living with contradiction: an introduction to benedictine spirituality
originally a series of talks. some insights into benedictine spirituality, but not particularly deep.
full review
wisdom distilled from the daily: living the rule of st. benedict today
a benedictine nun on the rule she has lived for 20 years. some insights, but it tries too hard to be inspiring.
full review
{ little house in the big woods }
even better than I remember it. this is a charming account of life in the 1870's wisconsin 'big woods' as told through the eyes of a child. highly recommended.
{ next: the road to the good society } amitai etzioni
thought-provoking, concrete, and surprisingly progressive, but ultimately flawed. recommended. full review
benedict's way: an ancient monk's insights for a balanced life
arranged by key concepts, designed for a retreat or study group. pleasant, good as far as it goes, but not particularly deep.
full review
master and commander
like hard science fiction for nautical buffs. at first I was bored, so detailed were the descriptions of sails, masts, and lanyards. by the end of the book I wasn't as expert on the technicalities as o'brian would like me to be, but I understood enough to get the gist of the action. pay attention to the technical explanations at the beginning: a basic understanding of the technology is essential for understanding any maneuver, and much of the excitement is generated by pushing the sophie to the extent of her capabilities--especially when she is pitted against a larger or faster ship.
each character is a real mix of qualities. it's hard not to like and dislike most of them. the first in a long series of books, master and commander ends abruptly--as if the author was just stopping because it was time to. in all, less involving than I thought it would be based on what I had heard, but more enjoyable than the first few chapters led me to believe it would be. nice bedtime reading. I will read another one.
the victorian internet
sister wendy's story of painting
lovely, a nice overview of the history of painting
small pieces loosely joined
if you can get hold of it, read the victorian internet first to provide some context.
the new strategy of style
{ the elements of reasoning }
{ }= recommended
(-) = not recommended
< current >
when I was young
marketing as culture. I can't decide if this strange book is a long-form attempt at the type of old-fashioned new yorker article seabrook laments, or an opportunity to gossip about (and leverage buzz from) celebrities he interviewed for the magazine. meandering, unfocused. occasionally hilarious. some very sharp observations. interesting ideas, recommended with reservations.
introducing media studies
not as strong a some of the other books in the 'introducing' series, but probably just fine as an introduction to the subject.
{ the complete encyclopedia of needlework }
brilliant. a complete guide to almost any kind of needlework you would want to do by hand. plain sewing, openwork, embroidery, crochet, knitting, macrame, and more. recommended without reservation.
{ you can't eat gnp: economics as if ecology mattered }
'Our wealth and our comfort are derived from a combination of natural resources and the skill and ingenuity with which we utilize those resources.... The premise of this book is that the economic system will fail if the ecological system is not carefully managed.'
this highly accessible introduction to ecological economics book argues that modern economic theory must begin to take the natural world explicitly into account in order to preserve both our wealth and the planet from which it is derived. thoughtful, realistic, and balanced. very highly recommended.
disclosure: I received this book as a gift from perseus
{ doomsday book }
a ripping yarn. vivid characters in a vivid setting. absolutely absorbing, and very moving. first rate. very highly recommended.
{ why we buy: the science of shopping }
a terrific book. I recommend it for anyone who is interested in user-centered design, retail, or just in knowing how retailers are learning to think about their customers. easy, entertaining read.
{ couture sewing techniques }
sewing porn. very highly recommended for anyone who loves to sew, or just loves reading about sewing or fashion. I borrowed my copy from the library; I will definitely purchase a copy.
couture is based on four things: design, fabric, fit, and technique. this book does a good job of describing what makes couture different from mass-produced garments (for one thing, it's mostly hand sewn), and gives step-by-step directions for many techniques. probably not suitable for a beginner, except as inspiration. I haven't tried any of the techniques yet, so I can't judge the clarity of the directions. however, just reading the text has given me a wealth of ideas and imbued me with an appreciation for fine sewing (and couture in general) that I just didn't have before.
{ ender's shadow }
not as good as ender's game, but a good read anyway, especially if you have read the first book. it's a bit of a cheat that bean isn't written as a child, but as a very short adult.
{ shirtmaking: developing skills for fine sewing }
more sewing porn, this time with shirts. another book that I want to own. lots of detailed instruction (again, I haven't sewn from this book). a good book for someone who enjoys challenging projects.
{ patterns from finished clothes: recreating the clothes you love }
another book that I intend to buy. the technique she describes looks straightforward--if you are experienced enough, taking this book out of the library or leafing through it at the bookstore might be enough.
{ smart mobs: the next social revolution }
[disclosure: I received a copy of this book as a gift from the author] (blurb coming)
{ mindfulness }
[disclosure: I received a copy of this book from perseus at my request] (blurb coming)
{ the story factor }
[disclosure: I received a copy of this book from perseus at my request] (blurb coming)
{ fabric saavy: the essential guide for every sewer }
a pretty complete reference. my only complaint is with the photographs of the various fabrics: sometimes the garment is not one of those 'recommended' for the fabric, and I would like to have a closeup of each fabric in addition to the photos provided.