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Presenting: How Steve Jobs Does it

» Want to be a better presenter? How Steve Jobs does it. (via htstw [ 05/15/06 ]

Tips for More Effective Presentations

» Alan Nelson talks about his approach to using Powerpoint in presentations. He includes links to other resources, notably Edward Tufte and Garr Reynolds. I would describe my approach as even leaner than Alan's. Until recently, I refused even to use slides. Now I use them strictly to illustrate concepts that would be muddy without an example. I turn them off when I'm not actively using them.

Of course I'm always looking for ways to improve my presentations. What approaches and resources can you recommend for crafting presentation slides — and for crafting effective presentations in general?

Update: Garret Vreeland points me to his presentation tips, accumulated over years of speaker support. Face it: the guy who has to watch you night after night probably has a pretty good sense of what works and what doesn't. (2) Comments  / [ 01/19/06 ]



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