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Recommended: Just Bento

» I think you'll be just as excited as I am about Maki's new site: Just Bento. She'll be focusing on bento you can make in 20-30 minutes.  [ 11/02/07 ]

Recommended: The Becker-Posner Blog

» This is just nutty, in the best possible way. Gary S. Becker, the University of Chicago professor known for applying economic theory to social issues, 1992 Nobel Prize winner and one of this year's Presidential Medal of Freedom has a blog. It's the Becker-Posner Blog, which he maintains with Richard A. Posner, the federal circuit judge and University of Chicago Law School lecturer.  [ 10/30/07 ]

Blog recommendation: Food Karma Alert

» Here's a great new blog, Food Karma Alert, by a food scientist/chemist who started out working at a major flavor and fragrance company, then left to focus on the policy governing food safety and quality. His formula is simple: identify food policy issues, explain why you should care, and then list a set of action steps you can take to affect that issue. Highly recommended. (via usfp [ 09/21/07 ]

Blog of note: Strange Maps

» Here's a wonderful new-to-me blog for you: Strange Maps. (via br(1) Comments  / [ 06/26/07 ]

I am a slave to my RSS reader

» I have a predictable cycle with my blog reading. Every so often, I severely cull my list of reads in an attempt to regain some control of my time and brainspace. Then my list starts to slowly enlarge as I find and add terrific new blogs, or forgotten old favorites. After a while it's unmanageable again, and I remove half or a third and the cycle begins again.

So, I'm very dismayed to have re-discovered futurist (and WorldChanging co-founder) Jamais Cascio's blog Open the Future this weekend. So interesting—see if you don't become instantly addicted.

And, thanks to Waterboro Public Library Blog, I discovered a new one: Blogging for a Good Book, a blog by the Williamsburg Regional Library that features a book review a day. You can browse past entries by the categories listed in the sidebar and—how smart is this?—at the end of each book review, there is a link to the WRL catalog entry for that book. I've already added Edna Lewis's The Taste of Country Cooking to my Amazon wishlist.

Dear Everyone: Please stop creating compelling content. Much appreciated, thanks!  (3) Comments  / [ 04/09/07 ]

Why We Loved Her

» Possible Scenarios for Heaven by Leslie Harpold. (via la(1) Comments  / [ 12/12/06 ]

Confessions of a Reader

» From A Year of Reading, a Friday poem, one I had never read before, and that I just love. (1) Comments  / [ 08/18/06 ]

Girl Writing a Letter by William Carpenter

» Short and Gorgeous: Girl Writing a Letter. Don't miss this story.  [ 01/17/06 ]



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