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.: June 2011 --> June 2011

June 2011

» As you know, the last few years I've maintained an ongoing collection of Summer Reading Lists through the season. This year my schedule simply won't accommodate that expediture of time. Rejoice, however! The Reader's Advisor Online keeps a list of recommended reading throughout the year (scroll through the entry until you get to the section "Lists"). Check in every Monday to see the latest hotness in the literary world. To get you started, here's their Memorial Day entry.  [ 06.01.11 ]

» Is it food, is it art, or is it a weird new hybrid that dare not be named? You be the judge. (via @LATimesFood)  [ 06.03.11 ]

» On Saturday, The Wall Street Journal published a scathing article on Young Adult fiction. There is definitely some truth to the article, but as someone who is just barely familiar with the genre, it's impossible for me to judge just how accurate or representative the writer's examples are.

Readers objected, of course, starting a thread on Twitter called #YASaves. But here's the most interesting part of the story: the Wall Street Journal posted a subset of those tweets to their Storify account, pointed to it from their Twitter account, and invited further comment to their Facebook page.

So what do you think about the stodgy, conservative old Wall Street Journal proving to be the savviest of new-media newspapers? / (2) Comments / [ 06.06.11 ]



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