» Want to avoid Alzheimer's? Become more conscientious. For me, the most fascinating thing is that conscientious people who (on autopsy) showed significant levels of Alzheimer's pathology died without any evidence of cognitive impairment. CNN is framing it as self-disciplined, organized achievers.
rebecca's pocket
.: October 2007 --> Conscientious people shown to be at lower risk of Alzheimer's
Conscientious people shown to be at lower risk of Alzheimer's
[ 10.03.07 ]
New research is being reported here that Alzheimers may be related to the mechanism that causes diabetes - the brain cells are showing the same signs of insulin resistance. They are tentatively calling it 'type 3 diabetes' and are quite excited that the drugs that have been shown to reduce the effects of diabetes in older adults may be able to be applied to people with early dementia.