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.: January 2007 --> Bloggers on Blogging: Bruce Schneier

Bloggers on Blogging: Bruce Schneier

» I'm very pleased to present the latest in my Bloggers on Blogging series, an interview with author, cryptologist, and security expert Bruce Schneier. In it, we discuss the uses of the Internet, the synergies of public performance, and the danger of being mobbed by your readers.

One of the properties of the Internet is that it takes interactions out of their normal social context. If I were at a gathering and I saw someone who I wanted to talk to, I would see him in context. [...] The Internet lacks this context. When you send someone an e-mail, you send it into the void.

 [ 01.31.07 ]



Rebecca i've read some of the things you have written on blogs. I understand, according to what i've found you are one of the most knowledgeable persons on the topic. I'm from Colombia-Bogotá, i'm doing a Master's program in Applied Linguistics to the teaching of EFL. I'm doing my thesis based on a project of weblog exchanges with Colombian and Canadian students. It has been a very good experience for my students since there lots of things blogs allowed users to do. I'd like to be in contact with you.

Congratulations for your excellent work. I'll be looking forward to receiving a message from you.

Luz Mary

As tointeractions happening outside their context - I'd disagree. It's just a different context than face-to-face. In blogging, we might befriend someone who we wouldn't, if we were in a room with them and hadn't yet met.

A very refreshing interview. Many good insights here, from someone already established in his field. Thank you, I have passed this on to others who are in full stride with their careers and would benefit from blogging at this level.



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