» For the first time since the Great Depression,
the US savings rate is in negative numbers. "A lot of us are approaching retirement and a lot of us are approaching it with much too little saved up. They're either going to depend on Social Security, which is hardly a good bet given the state of the federal government's finances, or they're going to be taking early retirement at the age of 75." David Wyss, an economist with Standard and Poor's.
I found the 3 questions the Kinder Institute of Life Planning ask their clients to be interesting:
- If money was no longer an obstacle, what would they do with their life?
- If a doctor informs them that they have a terminal illness and have only five to 10 years left to live, what would they do within that time?
- If the doctor then informs them, they only have 24 hours left to live, what would they regret? What did they miss in life?